One year after we entered the Public Health Emergency of COVID-19 pandemic, researchers are gathering information about common symptoms associated with patients post covid episodes. Thirty percent of post-COVID patients have some form of neurological symptoms which include common vestibular symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, balance issues, and earaches. Sometimes these symptoms are short term but they can also persist for 4-8 weeks afterward
Most of us are aware of the most common neurological symptoms of ageusia, lack of taste and anosmia, lack of smell, which are both cranial nerves with direct input to the brain. The vestibular nerve which is also a cranial nerve for the inner ear is also affected in a smaller population, approximately 0.6%. Patients with vestibular symptoms are frequently referred to WWSPT since we are experts in the field of Vestibular Rehabilitation. Most have complaints of lightheadedness, headaches, and dizziness but researchers have found up to 6% having acute vertigo attacks.
Headaches and dizziness can also be associated with Brain fog. What is “Brain fog”? it is not a medical condition. It’s a term used for certain symptoms that can affect your ability to think. You may feel confused or disorganized or find it hard to focus or put your thoughts into words. Brain fog is a common vestibular symptom and now is also being associated with post covid symptoms, your vestibular therapist can help!!
The article below gives more information about post covid symptoms and brain fog.