When it comes to running, the shoes that you put on your feet matter. When you run, your legs and feet do a lot of work , therefore it is important to wear the proper running footwear. You should wear running shoes with support — shoes with medium support are good for most people. Medium support means there is a slight arch to support your feet. The key test is, if you can take a shoe and twist it all around with your hands, it does not have enough support. The shoe that you wear for running should be sturdy enough to provide enough support for your legs as you put in the miles while you train for a race. However, shoes do eventually wear out.
So when is it a good time to buy new shoes? Generally speaking, running sneakers last between 300-500 miles. If you run 20 miles a week, the math comes out to four to six months of wear. There are a couple of signs that tell you when your shoes are worn out and you should consider getting a new pair. The first is that if you start to develop pain and injuries., the shoes may not be providing enough support for your legs and feet resulting in aches and pains before your race. Another way you can to tell that a shoe is getting old is when the bottom treads start to wear off. You can also see where you put pressure on your feet when you walk or run based on how faded the bottom of your sneakers are. If your shoes feel flat, it might be time to consider a change in shoes. If you feel the pounding and the ground underneath you, you may not be getting the proper absorption under your feet. As a result, it can be quite strenuous on your bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons which could lead to injuries.
Not everyone has the same body type, running style, and anatomy. Ask your local running shoe store professional what shoe will work best for you. You may even need inserts to provide extra support or cushioning. However if you are having pain while you run, you should consult your medical professional to address the issues, possibly a physical therapist.
When you run, you put a lot of stress on your feet and legs . So be nice to your feet and wear the proper shoes, even if it means treating yourself to new ones to avoid aches and pains.
To all those runners participating in the Travis Manion Foundation 9/11 Heroes Run, good luck and we’ll see you on the course!
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