Physical Therapy for Neck Pain
Neck pain is a common complaint. One leading cause is a muscle strain, which typically results from overuse or poor posture, such as bending over the computer for a long period of time. It can also be caused by arthritis which results from wear and tear on the joints over time with age. Herniated discs and other structural deformations can cause nerve compression which contributes to pain. Other causes include injuries and diseases. Symptoms include pain and restricted range of neck motions, but can also result in numbness or weakness in the extremities and pain into the shoulder. If your symptoms interfere with your daily activities for more than a few days, you may need additional care such as physical therapy.
Your physical therapist will use manual therapy, modalities, and exercise to address your symptoms, stretch tight muscles, and strengthen weak muscles to prevent re-occurrence of your condition. Through a customized program you will be educated on body mechanics and exercises that specifically address your impairments. You can expect to be seen on average 2-3x/week for 1-2 months depending on the severity of your symptoms.